Visit of l'Essencier

  • essencier-ojdc-17-light-3376140
  • 800x600-essentier-icogne-1876351-3248166
  • essentier-icogne-2-1876352

Visit the Essencier
Come and discover the world of essential oils and learn some secrets about how they are made!

RDV | at the Essencier in Icogne
TIME | 14:00 - 16:00
AGE | From 6 years old
PRICE | Free with the Anzère Liberty Pass (to be presented at the time of the activity) | CHF 7.00 / adult from 16 years old
Min: 5 | Max: 20

In the event of an insufficient number of registrations, we are unfortunately obliged to cancel the activity. You will be informed by phone or email.
Please give 48 hours notice of cancellation. In this case, the activity will be invoiced at the price without the "Anzère Liberté" discount.

  • Internet reservation :
    • Yes
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.28531
Longitude : 7.43377